Family TimeHealth

Key to a Happy Marriage

By June 18, 2014 March 4th, 2019 No Comments
Keys to a happy marriage by Gooseneck Vineyards
Wedding season has officially begun: the beautiful flowers, the fancy dresses, and, of course, the newly married happy couple. The giddy excitement of the early days doesn’t have to end after the honeymoon. Making date nights a priority is a great way to keep the love alive.
Date Nights at Home
Date nights can be as easy as putting the kids to bed, and once they are in happy dreamland, you can have some alone time together. You can prepare a late night dinner with your favorite wine. (We might have some wine suggestions for you). You can turn on the candles, put on soft music, and add a romantic fire. No babysitter needed. Makeup is completely optional. No shoes or shirt required.
Date Night Out on the Town
The king of date nights, though, involves leaving the house, getting in the car without the kids in the backseat, and eating a dinner you did not prepare. Even better, there are no dishes in the sink, and most likely, leftovers are ready to be zapped in the microwave the next day. These dates nights are special for many, many reasons. It forces you to pull out an outfit from the back of the closet, wear your hair down, and find a place to eat. The biggest challenge of having a date night out: How do you not talk about the daily grind?

Date night is a time to focus on each other and laugh at the old jokes. It should be written in the marriage vows somewhere. “…for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish on regular date nights.” Until then, what are some of your date night tips?